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for charity at the cash register

Xposted on Coupon Newbies (didn’t get many responses).

I work at JC Penney VERY parttime,

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and a couple times a year we do the “Round up for kids” where we have to ask EVERY person if they want to round their purchase up to the next dollar so we can donate the remaining cents to our local charity (it’s the afterschool program at our YMCA). So if the person has a total of $4.99, they would donate $0.01 to

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make it $5. Or if they have like $2.05, then they would round it up to $3.00 and donate the $0.95. So I’m just wondering what you ladies do in situations like these, where it is asking for a donation of under $1? Just curious!!

I’m SO tired of being asked to give money EVERYWHERE I go, that I just always say “no”. I’d rather research a worthy organization, and donate money or time on my own.

In my area, you can’t go into any store (except Target) without being asked to

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donate money, buy a candy bar, or sign a petition. This is AFTER I’ve been accosted by at least one person in the parking lot, claiming

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to be “out of gas” and asking if I have a few bucks to spare.

So, while I’m sure the cashiers think I’‘m totally heartless, I just always say NO, no matter what the cause.

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