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Do you look down on people working in retail customer service

My viewpoint is respect isn’t automatically given it’s earned. BUT in everyday life when you’re checking out at a cash register? Holy crap unless the cashier is slinging insults at me I’m going to be pleasant. I guess I’m just a nice person.

I worked retail and daycare to put myself through college. Some of the people who walk into a store like the RN on here apparently have their noses so high in the air they’d be hardpressed to walk through the door without hitting them on the frame Idiots. As long as you’re a contributing member of society I’m a happy camper. There’s nothing wrong with the people who work at the minimum wage jobs. In fact, I read in the NYT that since the recession hit most of the jobs held by full time employees have shifted to minimum wage jobs. So it could be YOU who’s slinging burgers at McDonalds or checking me out at Target next week.

I’d do ANYTHING for my family ANYTHING. That includes going back to work in retail if need be. It’s really sad that everyone

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has to be so judgmental. I would agree that if you stay in part time retail or even full time retail nonmanagement that the pay isn’t great. However, I know plenty of people who are in retail management that made more than I did as a teacher and several that made over $100k so if that’s considered a shitty salary I’d like to know what you’d consider a great one!

I do not look down on retail workers as I have worked the job and my DH is currently working one. PT, for the last 2 years. It is all he can find. He gets treated like shit everyday by at least on customer. it is not his fault that corporate (in FL, we are in MI) put a laptop on sale and only sent 3 to the store. He has no control over that. It is not his fault that it is too hot or too cold in the store, corporate controls everything from 2,000 miles away. Don’t get upset when he asks you if you want to by a protection plan on your new computer, he has to ask you that. Guess what? If you don’t buy one from him, you will get asked the same question at the register. They have no choice. Don’t get mad when you need help with something, but there are only 3 employees in the entire store with one on lunch (mandated by law) and the other two are helping other customers. Corporate told them they had to cut payroll, so

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my dh’s hours got cut, again, so he is not there to help you.

What in the hell? It has never, ever occurred to me

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to look down on someone because of their job title. But mostly if their nastyI’m like really? You’re a stripper??? What in the hell is wrong with the men looking at you? hehehe

Anyway, I treat everyone kindly until they give me a reason to give them the sideeye. I don’t understand being any other kind of way.

(I did, however, cuss at the automated chick on the Cox troubleshooting guide last night because she kept insisting I had some light on my modem that I didn’t.)

I do believe that everyone judges people based on choices made.

Choices such as not being on GA? Providing for their family? I know, I know, my dh should not have chosen to be discriminated against and treated like crap at his last job where he was promptly fired (even though his boss was caught looking at porn on the company computer with little kids running around (it was a school)). My dh should not have chosen to have the economy here in MI tank worse than any other state in the country and the joblessness be the highest in the nation (at the time). Boy, my dh mad some really bad choices!!

I have skimmed the responses but just wanted to say that I have been in Retail for 14+ years. I currently work for a cell phone company as a sales rep and make more than I ever did at the bank that I used to work for as an Assistant Manager.

Some of these comments are amazing that people think because I work in retail I don’t deserve respect. If I wasn’t working here, you wouldn’t get your service for your cell phone that you HAVE TO HAVE!!!

I get looked down on often, but I make more than some of the people that are looking down on me. It really just surprises me the ignorance that is coming through here from a few people.

I agree with a PP that everyone should work retail at some point in their lives just to see what we deal with on a daily basis. People walk all over us all the time and think it’s ok. I almost have more respect for people that work in retail than someone that doesn’t work it or has never because they really deal with a ton on a daily basis.

I am a little horrified that a RN thinks people do not deserve respect simply because they exist! Treating patients with respect, just because they exist, is a cornerstone of the profession. How does she deal with patients?

I work in customer service because I am making “smart life choices.” I work at a company that provides health benefits if you work 20 hours a week. I have just 20 hours a week to spare while I am going

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back to school to get my BSN. Helping to take care of your family is always a smart life choice.

No, I do not look down on them. At least they have a job. It isn’t acceptable to talk down to them. Yes, they accepted the job, but if people didn’t take retail customer service jobs, I’d be SOL to go shopping. Just because they have the job, it doesn’t mean it’s their dream job or even only job. It could have been the only job available to them, who am I to judge?

I have seen people treat cashiers and such like complete crap, and damn right I’ve said something. Just because someone is scanning crap you want to buy, it doesn’t make them beneath you. They are people too and don’t deserve to be treated like shit just because they have a job that isn’t high paying or highly respected.

I can’t stand it when I see it. Maybe it’s because I’ve been that girl behind the counter and know what it feels like to be berated by people because they felt they were better than me. I had customers stick up for me, and honestly, it made me feel great that they did, so I do it for people when I see the need to.^^I agree with this post 100%

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